Here I will conclude this series of articles dealing with verses drawn from the Hebrew Bible which were misquoted and or misapplied in the New Testament which has led us to reject the religion of Yeshua, the “faith once given to the saints” and accept a counterfeit. These citations from Hebrew Scriptures molded into a predetermined pattern in order to serve as proof texts to promote one’s man’s agenda and not God’s. They were to represent the promise that, the New Testament authors claimed, found fulfillment in their sacred writings. Having read and understood these articles, you now know different and better be looking to the Torah to see which commandments in the Torah apply to the Gentile believer in God. The manipulated quotations, more often than not, transmitted an anti-Torah, anti-Jewish, anti-Semitic ideology, and even an anti-Yeshua ideology [because he never supported or condoned what Paul preached]. I have endeavored to spend much effort on concentrating on confronting passages which deliberately or inadvertently emitted a negative view toward Judaism and its adherents. Those quotations which were mistreated or misinterpreted but conveyed no hostile message were not noted since that is beyond the scope of these articles at present.


First of all don’t panic. All is not lost, for if you are reading this there is yet hope for you.

Answer for yourself: Do you remember the parable taught by Yeshua that laborers entered the vineyard at all times of the day and each received the same reward?

Well, it is not important how you have run your Christian walk up to now if it has been incorrect in many areas, but God’s mercy has been shed abroad in you heart by bringing you to these truths. What is important is that you be like Abraham and act upon you faith in the truths you have learned and respond in obedience and no longer trust your misdirected zealousness for God because it cannot please God as does obedience to His Word [observance of the Commandments in your Covenant with God. Bet Emet Ministries cannot start to improve on what the Church teaches that is good and proper, but yet we have discovered truths long overlooked by a Church who was blinded by Gentile anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism over 1800 years ago. It is to these truths long over-looked that we endeavor to challenge our Christian readers with such truths.


Answer for yourself: If the teaching aspects of the Law has not passed away then are we not still "under" the perfect Law of obedience? Yes.


Answer for yourself: Since the teaching aspects of the Law have not passed away, then what right do we have to continue to utilize God's Holy Tithe in the manner we do as taught by the vast majority of Christendom as it goes to church funds to be distributed as preachers will (building payments, insurance, bill, utilities, due, membership fees in organization, fancy dinners, etc), when the Laws of God SPECIFICALLY commands us that 1/3 of ALL of the Tithe is to go totally to the widows, orphans, sick, lame, blind, etc? We have no right and we sin in contributing to agencies if we let them distribute God's Tithe in such ways. Don't be deceived any longer!

Answer for yourself: Since the teaching aspects of the Law have not passed away, then what right do we have to continue to utilize God's Holy Tithe in the manner we do as taught by the vast majority of Christendom when God's Law SPECIFICALLY commands us that the second 1/3 of the Tithe is to go to you for the observance and celebration of the Feasts of the Lord as found in Lev. 23? We have no right and we sin in contributing to churches whose church calendars are filled with pagan holidays in which we affix the name of Yeshua to make them look religious?

Answer for yourself: Since the teaching aspects of the Law have not passed away, then what right do we have to continue to utilize God's Holy Tithe in the manner we do as taught by the vast majority of Christendom when God's Law SPECIFICALLY commands us that the third 1/3 of the Tithe is to go to the teaching Levite who today teaches you the truths in God's Word, and not to false teachers who have taught you to rob God? We have no right and we sin in contributing to churches in support of pastors who deceive you because of their lack of adequate study!

Answer for yourself: Since the teaching aspects of the Law have not passed away, then what right do we have to continue to neglect and fail to observe the patterns in Scripture that teach the non-Jews long before Moses keeping the Festivals and Sabbath of God which when understood reveal past, present, and future aspects of God's salvation? We don’t!

Messianic Judaism is NOT Messianic Christianity!

Start to read and learn of Messianic Judaism and the real faith of Yeshua, and what part pertained to Gentiles for Eternal Life. Learn what commandments apply to you and begin to lay away "real" treasure in Heaven. Learn to choose those things that please God (Isa. 56) and choose to take upon yourself the yoke of Torah as you demonstrate your faith and love for God through Godly obedience to such things like the Sabbath, Biblical Festivals, and the Tithe as taught in the Bible and not by money hungry preachers today.

We at Bet Emet Ministries plead with you to share this material with loved ones that they may inherit the fullness of God's salvation by rethinking the message of preachers and Paul, thereby rightly dividing the Word of God that they will one day not stand ashamed before God. If you don't know or understand the Tithe or the Festivals ask of us and you shall receive the information you need in order that your worship of our Great God be in truth and Spirit and no longer in the vestiges of antisemitic lies.

If you would like more in-depth teachings concerning the Hebrew Roots of the Christian Faith, please contact Pastor Craig Lyons as 972-675-6193 and we will be glad to help you begin to understand correctly the Hebrew Scriptures.

If you desire to learn more about “the faith once given to the saints” (Jude 3) contact us at:

Shalom and may God bless your studies and your efforts to show yourself not ashamed before Him one day soon!
